The West Virginia Energy Users Group (“WVEUG”) is a statewide association of large, energy intensive industrial, chemical, manufacturing, and institutional concerns. WVEUG members pool their resources to put as much downward pressure as possible on energy rates, which are a key cost of production in their ever more competitive national and global markets. WVEUG does this principally through active participation in litigated cases and investigations before the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (“PSC”).
WVEUG is the only manufacturing and industrial association in the state that actively monitors and participates in cases at the PSC. WVEUG also works with other manufacturing Stakeholders to address utility and energy issues raised at the Legislature.
WVEUG member companies operate about two dozen production facilities throughout the state, providing 7,500 jobs, annual payroll of well over one-half billion dollars, and paying $30 million in state taxes and over $60 million in other contributions to the benefit of the West Virginia economy. WVEUG members annually consume over 6 billion kiloWatt hours of electricity in West Virginia, which constitutes over 15% of all electric usage in the State—about half of all industrial end-user consumption. WVEUG members pay over one-half billion dollars annually to the regulated utilities for electric service.